Foolish Heart Here We Go Again

Editorial past Howard Eagle and visitor

Howard Hawkeye

Indeed, here we go over again. The exact same institutions, and in fact some of the same individuals who fix out, over x years ago, to "impact racism in Rochester and Monroe County", are at it once again.

Dorsum and then, in 2012, they were maxim some of the verbal same things reported in two contempo Democrat and Relate (D&C) articles (referenced below), both of which were published (in over-kill fashion) on April 5, 2022.

As Rochester and Monroe County's premiere, authentic anti-racist educators and organizers, we cannot, in adept conscience, allow mess-making imposters to go away (again) with deceptive, pseudo so-called socio-"scientific, anti-racist"-casuistry. We empathize that our critique will come beyond as harsh. Nevertheless, it is realistic and necessary (in club to counter further serious confusion, miseducation, and intellectual retardation) apropos one of the urban center's, canton, country's, and nation's most serious, deep-seated, thoroughly entrenched, volatile, and potentially explosive, historic, socioeconomic, sociopolitical, and sociocultural issues and problems.

In today's astonishingly unstable times, we need crystal-clarity, more than ever before. Yet, it seems that Rochester'due south well-nigh-monopolistic, daily print-news-publication, in conjunction with grant-making partners and others, are intent on "putting lipstick on a (very nasty) political-squealer" known to all of the states as racism.

Their most contempo, past attempt to do so (to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars literally), WITH ABSOLUTELY NO Meaning, MEASURABLE, PERMANENT RESULTS, was launched in 2012. It's a hustle!

A limited critique of the 2 Apr 5th manufactures referenced above, follows. The manufactures are so riddled with contradictions and falsehoods (to put it mildly), that this space would not come close to accommodating a full critique. In fact, we are confident that nosotros would exist able to fill an unabridged weekly publication. In any case, nosotros have highlighted some of the most blatantly obvious contradictions and falsehoods.

The offset article, titled: 'Let'south be inspired to double down on racial equity in Monroe County ,' was written by two summit officials from the Rochester Area Community Foundation. Our very first question is, what in the heck does "double down" mean? Double downwardly on what and how? Hopefully this is NOT a proffer to spend twice every bit much money in order to then-chosen "expand what our community sees every bit possible, offering fifty-fifty more opportunities to further alter consciousness." Obviously, past the time they finish "changing consciousness," most of the people whom they're supposedly trying to help, will be expressionless. The very last thing people who are suffering the most need, are more abstract, milk-toast, nebulous, thoroughly rhetorical pronouncements, which serve to assistance ensure that zilch physical, substantial, meaningful, significant, measurable, or permanent is going to alter.

Speaking of abstract, nebulous, and rhetorical, the pretenders likewise claimed that: At present that [they] have over a decade's worth of perspective [even though some of us take over four or five, and in some cases vi decades worth], it appears that Rochester has fabricated meaningful progress by broadening sensation of racial disparities in our community while simultaneously growing support to take action to close these disparities." WHAT?! The easy manner to test whether the "appearance" regarding and then-called "growing support" is valid or non is by actually implementing significant anti racist alter, period! All the rest is rhetoric and dissonance.

These folks are literally making it upwards. Meanwhile, Minister Franklin Florence, one of the considerately greatest organizers to walk the streets of Rochester since the time of Frederick Douglass, has said that, after 50 years of deadly-serious, anti-racist struggle, "little has changed." And though his quote dates back to more than three years agone, we are personally enlightened of the fact that he is of the belief that overall socioeconomic, sociopolitical and sociocultural weather have steadily worsened since the time of his 2022 statement, especially after the arrival of covid.

The D&C, which is helping (once more) to spearhead this newest grand-fallacy by partnering with the grant-funded "Facing Race = Embracing Equity Initiative" and others, beginning in 2012, again, at the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars, to touch on racism relative to "employment, education, criminal justice and housing." Notwithstanding, the very same news system reported half dozen years, and hundreds of thousands of dollars after in 2018, that "Rochester has the poorest children in New York and the nigh intense metro segregation in the state". And just last week, it was reported, again past the aforementioned publication that "northward early on half of all children in Rochester live in poverty," which actually had also been reported by the D&C in 2014, two years after their ongoing, grandiose, non-productive, lab-rat-type fallacy was first launched.

At the aforementioned time, they would take us believe that "the Customs Foundation has deputed a scientific poll of racial attitudes and preferences of Monroe Canton residents in partnership with the Democrat and Chronicle, run by the polling experts at Siena Higher" Iv TIMES (2012, 2015, 2018, 2022), and supposedly, each time, according to their bleeding middle, non-productive fallacy they "accept made progress in expanding and deepening people's consciousness near racial inequity."

"Every bit consciousness has inverse, we too run into a respective expansion of the possibilities that Monroe County residents are willing to embrace to attain racial disinterestedness." So, in light of clearly, continued worsening conditions for the Black masses in this metropolis, which was declared (in 2019) to be the 2nd worst place for African Americans to live in the entire The states, you decide whether or non the latter super-hyper rhetorical quote makes any sense, or has whatever validity at all. We don't need another poll in social club to answer that question authoritatively and definitively. The only significant difference relative to the second over-kill-article reference to a higher place, titled: 'What Siena College poll tells the states about diversity and inclusion in greater Rochester,' written past the publication'south executive editor, is his fallacious merits that they have "sought to get more inclusive in [their] news coverage, in [their] customs conversations." Well, well, well… All we can say, after having literally scores of submissions rejected, and finally just giving upwardly altogether is give thanks God for the Black Printing.

~Accept It Down Planning Committee/Organized religion Community Brotherhood Coalition Leadership Team – Their mission is to finer bear upon private, institutional and structural racism in meaning, measurable, permanent way  past helping organize the local black customs, and develop deep, principled, ongoing working relationships with anti-racist allies

(https://world wide

Minister Clifford Florence

Chaplin Olivene Adams

Fred Tanksley

Mario Mongeon

Ashantey Curry

Howard Eagle


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