Read the Bible on a Year Plan

10 Bible Reading Plans to Beginning This January

  • Contributing Writer
  • 2021 sixteen Dec
10 Bible Reading Plans to Start This January

I remember the first time I tried to read through the Bible in a year. A few months into it (right almost the time I got to Leviticus!) I started waning. Afterwards a while, I became frustrated at falling behind and more focused on finishing the task than feeding on the Word.

I'd like to suggest some Bible reading plans that will assistance you enjoy God's Word in 2021 and across. These are reading plans that don't have to end when the year does. Whether you want a full chronological Bible reading plan for an unabridged twelvemonth or to walk through the Psalms in a month, these will keep you engaged, keep you growing, continue you from giving up, and go on you loving the Scriptures.

The following ideas are Bible reading plans, non necessarily report plans. While study is essential for growing in the Christian life, many people have a tough time merely staying consistent in the Word. I'k a firm believer that if you have a programme, you can develop consistency and the more you read and begin to understand God'southward Give-and-take, the more y'all volition see how it applies to your life and how much of God it reveals. Every bit a result, your desire (and cocky-discipline) to written report information technology will profoundly improve.

2nd Timothy 3:16 tells us: "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for pedagogy, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness" so that each of united states of america can be "complete, equipped for every good work". Are you set up to be complete and "equipped for every proficient work" in the new year? And so here are 10 Bible-reading plans to consider starting in January:

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  • bible reading plan psalms

    1. A Psalm a 24-hour interval

    Do yous struggle with depression, feet, or questions nearly why God does what He does? Do you demand hope or only more worship in your life? And then immerse yourself in the Psalms – the Bible'due south songbook. The Psalms are all songs of human emotion written by songwriters who were inspired by God and who felt many of the same things you and I feel today. They processed their feelings through their songs in Scripture. Equally you read and reflect on them, you will relate to their questions, feel their confidence, and share their joy every bit they gain perspective.

    Each day, read an entire Psalm aloud. Then write it dorsum to God in a journal as a prayer in your ain (or in the Psalmist'due south) words. Engagement information technology, and read what you've written the next mean solar day every bit a prayer before reading the next Psalm. Accept an extra day or two with longer songs or those that really strike a chord with you. There are 150 Psalms in the Bible, so by the end of the year you will most probable accept read through the book of Psalms twice, and yous will accept grown closer to the heart of God.

    Get-go Now: Daily Psalm Bible Reading Programme

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  • bible reading plan

    ii. A Maxim a Day

    Would you like to gain wisdom about friendships, business dealings, financial matters, and how to avert temptation? Read a Maxim a 24-hour interval. This isn't a new concept; many regular Bible readers have been reading a chapter in Proverbs daily for years. The dainty thing is that later a calendar month, you've read through the entire book of Proverbs (which has 31 chapters).

    The wonderful thing is, after six months, yous've read through it half-dozen times, and afterwards a year, you've read information technology so many times you've practically memorized it. Reading through this book of wisdom repeatedly will cement the truths into your heart, mind and spirit. Many people even add together a chapter of Proverbs to their other daily Bible reading plans.

    Get-go Now: Daily Wisdom Reading Plan

    Photo credit: ©Thinkstock/KucherAV

  • chronological bible reading plan

    3. Chronological Switch it Upwards

    Refresh and revive your Bible-reading experience by reading a book of the Bible – or several – in a different translation than you lot would normally read. Although I prefer the New Male monarch James Version and the New American Standard Bible for studying, my life inverse when I started reading versions I hadn't read and memorized before. Reading a familiar poesy in a different translation can cause it to hit your heart in a manner it hadn't before. Familiar passages all of a sudden become fresh and newly applicable again.

    The New Living Translation (NLT) is a paraphrase, not an actual translation, but it'south helped many new believers understand the Bible and begin applying it to their lives. I've come up to love Eugene Peterson'due south The Message, which was identified by Christianity Today as a "translation into idiomatic English" – which is the way we think and feel today. Reading The Bulletin caused me to fall in dear with God's Word all over again as it'south phraseology in the Psalms moves my center and its "in your face up" language in the Gospels (that I tend to think Jesus actually used toward the Pharisees) has convicted my own heart many times over. Reading the Bible in unlike translations (similar The Message and the Gimmicky English Version) has refreshed and revived my love for the Give-and-take of God. It just might kick beginning your centre for the Word, also.

     Start Now: Chronological Bible Reading Program available in NLT, The Message, God's Word, Good News Translation, and other modern translations

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  • thematic bible reading plan

    4. Endeavour a Topical Bible Report

    Topical studies are fun because they take you throughout the Bible – Old and New Testaments – to give you a proper understanding of a certain bailiwick or expanse of your life you might exist struggling with or want to grow in. Use your Bible cyclopedia or to search for verses on a particular topic, such as love, marriage, forgiveness, temptation, joy, holiness, or "concluding days" just to name a few.

    Tape what you learn in a journal or in a estimator file. Make sure to read the verses in context (read the entire chapter or at least several surrounding verses to get the situational context in which the topic is addressed). Share what you acquire with others and you lot'll find topical research and reading tin be addicting. But exercise this carefully. Once more, context is king.

    Outset Now: 365 Thematic Bible Reading Plan

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  • bible reading plan book order

    5. Walk Through the Old Attestation

    Are you a history buff? There's exciting, shocking, and even R-rated movie-making content in the Onetime Testament history books (you'll find stories y'all never heard in Sunday School that are too explicit, violent, or sexually inappropriate for children). Be awed every bit you read nigh creation, enlightened as you lot read the details of the exodus from Egypt and shocked as you read virtually the dark times of the Judges.

    There are 12 minor prophets in the Old Attestation, too, that are rarely read just full of riches. Read one of these a month and by the finish of the year you volition know more about the lives and ministries of Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Micah, and more.

    Start At present; Spend 250 Days in the Onetime Attestation with Bible Book Social club Reading Plan 

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  • gospel bible reading plan

    6. Compare the Gospels

    Detect a book on the harmony of the gospels and written report the gospels chronologically and in parallel to one another. Equally you lot read different accounts of Jesus in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, take note of the added details in some (and why the writers of the other gospels might have left them out), and what they all tell you about a more consummate picture of Jesus, every bit well as those who wrote the gospels.

    Kickoff Now:  45-Mean solar day Daily Gospels Bible Reading Plan

    Photo credit:  ©Thinkstock/pamela_d_mcadams

  • new testament bible reading plan

    7. Blot the Messages

    One time you've read about Jesus in the Gospels, the next step would be to read through the New Testament letters. These books of the Bible, from Romans through Revelation, will give y'all even more details about Jesus through the optics of the Campaigner Paul and other followers of Jesus. They also provide instructions for the First Century Church – Christians who were coming out of Judaism or paganism and simply learning how to alive the life of a Christ-follower.

    Imagine yourself every bit one of the early persecuted Christians living for every give-and-take being written in these treasured, often-read letters by the Apostles – those who had actually seen the risen Christ. Your reading will come up alive equally you anticipate it the way the recipients of those Beginning Century letters did.

     Start Now: Chronological New Testament Letters

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  • 8. The Questions Jesus Asked

    8. The Questions Jesus Asked

    You and I often have questions of God or questions about the Bible. But Jesus, God in the mankind, asked many questions, Himself. But His questions were to His followers, His critics, His accusers, and those who came to Him in search of something.

    Start reading through the Gospels and highlight every question that Jesus asked, taking notes well-nigh what answer He might have been looking for. Jesus asked questions like "Who do you say I am?" (Luke 9:xx) and "Do y'all believe that I am able to practise this?" (Matthew nine:28), and "Do you lot love Me?" (John 21:16). Or, back it up and start in Genesis with the questions God, Himself, asked like "Where are you?" (Genesis three:9) and "Where were you lot when I laid the foundations of the world?" (Job 38:four).

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  • 9. The "Approved Workman" Plan

    9. The "Approved Workman" Programme

    2nd Timothy 2:15 encourages u.s. to report to show ourselves "approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth". In  2 Timothy three:16 we're told that all Scripture is assisting for "teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness". To get the total benefit of the Word of God and make sure you are being taught, convicted, corrected, and trained in righteousness, try this programme.

    In a journal (or on your computer), record answers to one or all of these questions after reading a passage of Scripture: What did this passage teach me? How did this passage convict my heart?   What in my life should be corrected in light of this poetry? How can I live more righteously in light of what I've read? Past answering those four questions as y'all read the Bible, y'all are engaging with the Give-and-take and carefully applying it to your life.

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  • 10. Find or Design Your Own Plan

    10. Find or Pattern Your Own Programme has xviii unlike reading plans, including a program to become yous through the Bible from start to end in a year, 40-solar day personal growth plans, and fifty-fifty a daily audio Bible plan. You can sign up to track your daily progress. Check out the possibilities at You can also download the YouVersion Bible app that delivers plans straight to your mobile device, as well.  Staying consequent in the Word has never been easier, so attempt information technology and run into how a year in the Word tin literally change your life.

    Cindi McMenaminis a Bible instructor and national speaker who helps women and couples strengthen their walk with God and ameliorate their relationships. She is the author of 16 books, including the best-selling  When Women Walk Lonely (more than 125,000 copies sold), When a Woman Overcomes Life's Hurts, When God Sees Your Tears, and her newest book, Drama Free.  For more than on her speaking ministry, books, or costless manufactures to strengthen your soul, marriage, or parenting, encounter her website

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